A DUI or DWI charge in Minnesota brings along a host of problems, both legal and personal. Not only could you face jail time and fines, but you could also lose your driver’s license. Most people depend on their license to get to school or work and to fulfill parenting...
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Driver’s License Revocation
A driver’s license revocation or suspension in Minnesota
For many people in Minnesota, their ability to drive is directly related to their ability to support themselves and their families. Without a driver's license, a person could be unable to go to work or meet a variety of other professional and familial obligations. As...
Woman with prior driver’s license revocation facing new charges
When someone commits serious traffic offenses, exacting consequences may be enforced. One potential ramification of such offenses is a driver's license revocation. A Minnesota woman has recently been accused of several charges related to a crash she was...
Minnesota man charged with DUI while riding bicycle
Most Minnesota residents know that driving a car after consuming alcohol could lead to a collision and possible charges. However, many may not know that DUI charges can also result from riding a bicycle while intoxicated. One man is now facing such a charge...
License revocation issues for individuals accused of DUI
When a driver is pulled over by police here in Minnesota, what the traffic stop results in could have major implications for their future. If the stop results in them being accused of testing above the legal limit for blood alcohol content, their very ability to get...