Young people today don't know what it's like to be without the Internet, a camera and a phone all within arm's reach. For them, things like texting, Snapchatting, tweeting and video messaging are all second nature. Unfortunately, this means they aren't always as...
The Legal Power Of Bauer
Month: January 2017
How Can Someone Question the Validity of a Blood Alcohol or Breathalyzer Test?
The legal blood alcohol concentration limit in the United States is 0.08% across all states. The legal limit for someone under the age of 21 is 0%. If the test returns a level higher than this, the person is guilty of driving under the influence; however, what if the...
How supposed study drugs can lead to trouble for your child
Sending a child off to college is one of those mixed-emotion milestones in life. As a parent, you know you'll miss your son or daughter and will worry while school is in session. On the other hand, you've invested many years into raising your child to be ready for...