When people struggle financially, they are often desperate to improve their situation. However, this rarely means turning to illegal activities. Despite this, police in Minnesota claim that a man is facing criminal charges after he allegedly admitted to selling drugs...
The Legal Power Of Bauer
Month: March 2018
Key aspects of administrative suspensions for DUIs
When people underestimate their level of inebriation, they may decide to get behind the wheel. If those drivers are caught, they may face DUI charges. With the charge comes a license suspension. There are a few key aspects to understand about an administrative...
Man faces criminal charges for Minnesota break-in
Almost everyone has been in a unfamiliar neighborhood, unsure which house is the one for which they are looking, potentially causing a person to approach the wrong residence. Unfortunately, police say that a man in Minnesota now faces criminal charges because he...
Woman faces criminal charges after Minnesota incident
People act a certain way for a variety of different reasons. Often, behavior is driven by a chemical imbalance, making it necessary to determine if there may be some physiological reason for a behavior, especially if it results in criminal charges. Unfortunately,...
2 people in Minnesota face criminal charges following search
When people are suspected of a crime, they may be unsure of their rights. Such uncertainty could ultimately prevent them from effectively responding to allegations that were made against them. Such may be the cause for two young people in Minnesota who now face...