Getting a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) in Minnesota can lead to serious consequences, but whether or not you lose your job depends on several factors. You may find it helpful to know some things to consider if you get a DWI. Employer policies Many employers have...
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How parents can help their children move on after a DWI case
Facing a DWI case can be a life-altering experience, especially for a young adult. As a parent, it is important to support your child through this difficult time and help them move forward in a positive direction. While the legal aspects of the situation are best...
Why driving while intoxicated is dangerous
Drinking and driving will land you driving while intoxicated charges. These occur when you operate a vehicle with more than a .08 percent blood alcohol content. Here is some more on why drunk driving is dangerous for you and others. Drunk driving defined According to...
Can you refuse a field sobriety test in Minnesota?
Field sobriety and chemical testing are standard procedures for a DWI arrest. However, most people do not know that you do not have to submit to either. What is a field sobriety test? If the police pull you over with reasonable suspicion that you chose to drive while...
3 common myths about getting a DWI
Getting arrested for drinking and driving is a charge you may face after a fun night out or a small gathering with friends. This charge can result in serious consequences and penalties, particularly if you have a DWI already on your record. While getting arrested for...
Underage DWI and the reinstatement of your driving privileges
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) in the state of Minnesota brings both short- and long-term consequences. If you are a driver younger than 21 arrested for DWI, you face penalties, a stain on your record and the loss of your license followed by the task of reinstating...
Prescription drugs can be the basis of a DWI
When you think about driver impairment that leads to DWI, you may think about alcohol or illegal drugs. While it is certainly true that these substances can cause impairment, you may not know that you can also face DWI charges after taking medications for which you...
Your vehicle could become a casualty of a DWI conviction
In the state of Minnesota, there is such a thing as vehicle forfeiture, the result of a conviction for driving while impaired. No doubt you depend on your car or truck. How will you get to work or to your classes if the state seizes your vehicle? How does forfeiture...
DWI offenses carry tough penalties in Minnesota
If you have just had a couple of beers or an alcoholic drink, you may think yourself perfectly capable of driving. Unfortunately, you may find that you are not in as much control of your faculties as you thought. Alcohol clouds judgment, vision and reflexes, and if...