The sound of a siren combined with flashing lights is the first indication that you are being pulled over by law enforcement. A night of fun with friends or family has taken a downward turn, particularly if you had a few cocktails before heading home. If the officer...
The Legal Power Of Bauer
Blood Alcohol Tests
Diabetes ketones may cause false positive DWI tests
Police officers notice drivers who are erratic and drift back and forth over lane markings. Their first suspicion is that the driver may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The officer pulls the driver over and asks the person to step out of the vehicle to...
Minnesota snowmobile driver arrested after refusing breath test
Most people are aware that driving a car while intoxicated is illegal. However, some may not know that operating other types of motor vehicles after consuming alcohol may also result in charges or fines. A Minnesota man has recently been arrested after allegedly...
DUI: Minnesota judge facing charges re alleged failed breath test
Being accused of a crime may not only result in serious legal consequences, but may also affect a person's reputation. These are only a few of the reasons why it can be important to retain the services of an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible...
Man facing criminal charges after failed breath test
Car accidents have become an unfortunately regular occurrence in Minnesota and across the country. When accidents happen, police may believe that alcohol is involved and request a breath test. One man is now facing charges after he allegedly failed such a test...
Minnesota man charged with 28th DUI after refusing breath test
A Minnesota man is now facing his supposed 28th drunk driving charge, which could be some kind of dubious record. He was arrested after allegedly refusing to submit to a breath test. The man is now likely working with a criminal defense attorney to present a strong...
Man charged with underage DUI after alleged failed breath test
Whether a misdemeanor or a felony, many crimes may carry serious consequences when convictions are obtained. Being accused of a crime would likely be an alarming situation for most people. Seeking out an experienced criminal defense attorney is often beneficial in...
Blood alcohol test results lead to Minnesota man’s 9th DWI
A Minnesota man was recently charged with his ninth offense related to drunk driving. Reports indicate that he was allegedly driving a lawnmower erratically on the street and that a blood alcohol test showed him as more than three times the legal limit. He is now...
Blood alcohol test requires implied consent advisory
All states have implied consent laws, and most drivers who refuse chemical sobriety tests may be subject to penalties such as loss of license or even jail time. When someone drives in Minnesota, that person automatically consents to any breath, urine or blood alcohol...
Breath test results lead to arrests of Minnesota men
Two Minnesota men have been arrested in separate drinking and driving incidents within hours of each other. Both men were given field sobriety tests and one a breath test before receiving DWI charges. They are now likely working with attorneys to dispute these...