There is no shame in making the most of your youth during your college years and your early days in the workforce. If the fun times get out of hand and you suddenly receive a DWI charge, however, there can be serious implications for your professional reputation. The...
The Legal Power Of Bauer
Drunk Driving
What are the Minnesota laws for underage drinking and driving?
When Minnesota teens gain access to alcohol the consequences are often grave, but what happens when teens who drink decide to get behind the wheel? The Minnesota Department of Public Safety notes that among young people aged 16-19 involved in fatal car crashes, 33% of...
Is a breath alcohol test accurate?
If Minnesota law enforcement stops you for suspicion of driving under the influence, chances are you may get asked to take a breath alcohol test. The test measures your alcohol level to see whether it meets or exceeds the legal limits. The test results help determine...
What signs of intoxication do police look for during a stop?
Being pulled over by police is an experience people would rather avoid. No one wants to get ticketed, or worse, arrested for a mistake they've made behind the wheel. This can be especially true in the context of drunk driving. But people all across Minnesota are...
Repeat offenses can lead to escalated DWI charges and penalties
Being charged with drunk driving can be a scary, embarrassing and stressful experience. Not only are you facing the possibility of a criminal conviction, you could also lose your license and suffer damage to your reputation and relationships. These consequences can be...
Impaired driving can suspend or end a commercial driver’s career
In the state of Minnesota, many good men and women drive commercial vehicles. It is a career that offers financial freedom if you are willing and able to work difficult hours and are able to keep strict schedules. Like other drivers, those who operate commercial...
College and DUI don’t typically fare well together
When you're away from your family at college, you may understandably experience moments of loneliness or even sadness when missing familiar sights and sounds of home. Most colleges in Minnesota and elsewhere offer plenty of sports, extracurricular activities and...
Diabetes may cause inaccurate breath test readings
A breath test, given to someone suspected of driving under the influence, is used to measure blood alcohol content, or BAC. The breath test is performed using a small, lightweight device called a breathalyzer. If you are stopped on suspicion of drunk driving, a police...
Recent developments in DUI law
Federal, state and local laws are always evolving. As a result, it can be difficult to keep up with recent legal trends and developments. It can be very helpful to have the guidance of an experienced attorney once you have need of one, but it can also be helpful to...
When a DUI results in property damage
Sometimes, driving drunk is a relatively innocent mistake. Because alcohol metabolizes differently under different circumstances, some individuals can have a blood alcohol level above the legal limit, yet feel completely sober. Others are unexpectedly affected by...