If you find yourself charged with possessing drug paraphernalia, you could face harsh penalties. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with the potential consequences of a case if these charges have surfaced and to take a closer look at this topic if you worry that...
The Legal Power Of Bauer
Drug Charges
Education officials change their view on drug convictions
If you have a teenager in your family, the cost to attend the University of Minnesota is likely to give you some sticker shock. In fact, according to UM, in-state students, which include residents of Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wisconsin and Manitoba, need...
What happens to your CDL if you fail a drug test?
When you are making a cross-country haul in your rig, it may be tempting to use controlled substances to remain alert or even simply to pass the time. You may also use drugs to relax on your days off. Still, if you have a commercial driver's license, using drugs is...
Common signs of substance abuse
Casual consumption of alcohol and drugs can eventually lead to a substance abuse disorder. Over time, those with this condition become more desperate and often turn to illegal behaviors to cope and find the things they need. Recognizing the signs of a substance abuse...
A legitimate prescription can lead to a problematic addiction
Modern medicine often gives doctors a variety of options for treating injuries and illnesses. If your physician prescribes medication, it may instantly improve your quality of life. Still, it is critical to follow both your doctor's orders and the prescription's...
Minnesota reconsiders medical marijuana limits
Many states continue to grapple with whether policymakers should legalize marijuana for medicinal or recreational purposes. At the same time, states with some form of legalized marijuana work on expanding or clarifying what the law allows. According to the Pioneer...
What are the symptoms of opioid withdrawal?
If you recently faced drug crime charges, choosing to become clean can positively benefit your future. For those with opioid addiction, however, rehabilitation comes with its share of struggles. One struggle, according to WebMD, is opioid withdrawal. Physical symptoms...
What is substance abuse disorder?
When it comes to drug use, you may feel as though you cannot help your actions. This may be because of a substance abuse disorder or mental illness. According to Mental Health, substance abuse and mental health disorders often go together. How does mental health...
Is it illegal to share your prescription drugs?
The United States has a prescription medication system that dictates who can prescribe medications, and who can take them. Legally, the only person who can ingest prescription medications is the person whose name is on the bottle. So, what happens when you are out...
Can a drug conviction make students ineligible for financial aid?
Minnesota parents of college students who use financial aid may want to make their students aware of certain actions that could place this financial assistance in jeopardy. College students who receive convictions for drug offenses while they are also financial aid...