A car accident can happen at any time of day and for a variety of different reasons. Under some circumstances, however, an accident can result in fairly significant criminal charges. In fact, a driver in Minnesota is accused of vehicular homicide, among other charges, following a fatal accident.
The incident happened at around 8 p.m. on a day in August. According to reports, police were notified that a person leaving a golf club might be intoxicated. The officer who responded to the call reportedly observed the vehicle driving across the fog line before crossing the centerline. However, when the officer initiated a stop, police say the 38-year-old man driving the vehicle sped away.
Reports claim that the driver failed to obey a stop sign, reportedly causing a pickup truck entering an intersection to T-bone it. An 18-year-old male passenger in the vehicle was ejected. He was unconscious and not breathing in the aftermath of the accident and died the next day at the hospital. Two other occupants of the truck had to be helped from the vehicle and were transported to the hospital.
In addition to the vehicular homicide charge, the driver is also accused of fourth-degree DWI and fleeing a police officer. If convicted of these charges, the Minnesota man could be sentenced to as many as 100 years in prison. Additionally, prosecutors could ultimately decide to pursue “aggravating factors.” While many people who face criminal charges feel unprepared to make the decisions ahead of them, there may be additional stress for those who face such serious accusations. Fortunately, they may feel more confident with an experienced criminal defense attorney on their side.