When driving on Minnesota roadways, there are many factors to which drivers must react and respond. If a driver feels that a crash is imminent due to the actions of others on the roadway, he or she may react in a certain way designed to avoid a crash. Ironically, this action could potentially lead to a crash. In fact, the driver of a recent crash was accused of drunk driving though he reportedly told police that he was responding to the actions of others on the road.
The incident happened one evening on a day in early April. According to reports, a 22-year-old male was driving a sports utility vehicle with three passengers in it. Reports indicate that the driver swerved hard before crashing into a utility pole.
A passenger in the vehicle, a 21-year-old male, died, reportedly as a result of injuries suffered in the accident. It is unclear if any other injuries were reported. Police say that the the driver admitted to drinking prior to the accident, and he has since been charged with criminal vehicular homicide and criminal vehicular operation. He reportedly told police that traffic caused him to “freak out” but information regarding the actions of other drivers in the area was also unclear.
Unfortunately, the charges the young man faces as a result of the drunk driving accusations may carry significant prison time if he is convicted. Though he must decide whether to fight the charges or accept a plea deal — if offered — he may feel unprepared to make such a decision. Fortunately, an experienced Minnesota criminal defense attorney can help him weigh his options and choose the most appropriate path.
Source: CBS Minnesota, “Homicide Charges Filed Against Driver In St. Paul Drunken Driving Crash“, April 4, 2018